Cindy Crawfords current Botox-face: better or worse?

Several months ago, I talked about some recent (at the time) photos of Cindy Crawford, where her face looked especially jacked. Now, Cindy has admitted to using Botox and collagen injections in the past she claims she did it to restore elasticity to her face. So, its not like the state of Cindys Botox-face


Several months ago, I talked about some recent (at the time) photos of Cindy Crawford, where her face looked especially jacked. Now, Cindy has admitted to using Botox and collagen injections in the past – she claims she did it to restore elasticity to her face. So, it’s not like the state of Cindy’s Botox-face is up for debate at this point. She has a Botox-face, this is a fact. So now the question becomes: does Cindy need to be doing this much to her face? Would she look better if she wasn’t so heavily “injected”? Back in May, I was horrified by the state of her, but then she showed up at the Cannes Film Festival (to support her friend and stalker George Clooney), and her face looked slightly better.


So these are new photos of Cindy in Russia today. In the closeups, you can definitely see where Cindy’s cheeks have been “filled”. But does she look better? I do think her face looks less jacked than earlier this year. I will say this, though – I think Cindy has done so much, one of her eyes has gone wonky, which happens to many celebrity women. I don’t know the medical reason for it.

By the way, the frequent complaint I hear when I call someone a Botox-face or a cat-face is that they have wrinkles, thus they’re somehow not using injections or Botox. Cindy has wrinkles. Madonna has wrinkles. Teri Hatcher has wrinkles. It’s not about “wrinkles” and whether or not Botox or collagen makes the wrinkles disappear completely. Botox freezes, collagen “fills” and both leave behind the unintended tell-tale signs of the work done.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

