When Peter Dinklage accepted his much deserved Globe on Sunday for best supporting actor of Game of Thrones, he mentioned the name of a man and told people to Google him. He said “I want to mention a gentleman I’m thinking about in England: his name is Martin Henderson. Google him.” I did Google that name Sunday night right after he said it, but at that time, before this story was trending, the first result was the IMDB and Wikipedia page for an incredibly hot actor from New Zealand. I should have googled “Martin Henderson England,” but it was late and my motivation was low. I assumed that the guy Martin was another actor who helped Dinklage in his career and whom he wanted to thank.
It turns out that Martin Henderson is also a little person who was cruelly victimized in a “dwarf tossing” incident, after which he was unable to walk unassisted. Henderson used to get work as an actor but now relies on crutches and a wheelchair and can no longer book jobs. Dinklage was trying to raise awareness of this guy’s injuries and the practice of “dwarf tossing,” which may have been popularized when news came out last fall that some of the English rugby players, including Mike Tindall, (Zara Phillip’s husband) attended a dwarf tossing contest. Here’s more:
Rather than just basking in his own success, actor Peter Dinklage made sure to use the spotlight for a good cause when he accepted his Golden Globe award on Sunday.
The Game Of Thrones star ended his acceptance speech by telling the audience to Google the name Martin Henderson.
“I want to mention a gentleman I’m thinking about in England: his name is Martin Henderson,” said Dinklage, who has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia. “Google him.”
Millions of viewers did as they were told and transformed Henderson from an unknown actor to an Internet sensation literally overnight.
What came to light thanks to Dinklage’s guidance is the shocking story of a 37-year-old dwarf and aspiring actor who was left badly injured after being ‘dwarf tossed’ by a drunk man outside a pub in Somerset, England.
Out celebrating his 37th birthday last October, Henderson had left the pub in the town of Wincanton to have a cigarette when the unknown man picked him up and dropped him on the ground, injuring his back and legs, which have been numb since the attack.
He has not been able to walk since and been forced to resort to using crutches and a wheelchair.
According to a report in U.K. newspaper, The Sun, the unprovoked attack could have been inspired by the English rugby team who attended a “Mad Midget Weekender” event in New Zealand during the World Cup just weeks before the incident, where they watched a dwarf-throwing contest.
“The England players had been in trouble for going to a dwarf tossing event and this might have given this guy the idea,” 4’2″ Henderson told The Sun. “I guess I was an easy target and the only reason I was picked on was because I am small,” he said.
“People’s attitudes to me when I go out can be pretty cruel. Most are OK but you get the odd idiot who will make fun and start laughing at me.”
His attacker has yet to be identified, but police describe him as 5’8″ with dark hair.
[From Radar]
That’s terrible and I feel so bad for that guy. What kind of loser cretin would do something like that? Henderson has responded to the news that Dinklage gave him a shout out. In an interview on British channel’s ITV’s Daybreak, he said “it is a very, very good thing. I just couldn’t believe it when I woke up yesterday morning.” He also said he still suffers from numbness in his leg and has broken his hand as a result.
Dinklage is the most famous little person there is, and he clearly achieved success through his incredible talent. He’s so excellent on “Game of Thrones” and he can deliver the cleverest, the most obnoxious and the most moving lines with a wink, a middle finger and a tinge of sadness. He’s wonderful.
This has me wondering when “Game of Thrones” is coming back finally. The second season isn’t premiering until April 1, which a date which just serves to remind me that my taxes are due around that time. It’s too far in the future, but at least we don’t have to wait until this summer.