Day 17 of the NBA Crossover Grid is here. The daily trivial puzzle game for July 15 has been released and a new category involving blown leads was introduced.
Originating from MLB's Immaculate Grid, the NBA Crossover Grid has taken over the online basketball community. With the league focused on free agency and the Las Vegas Summer League, some fans want something exciting to do.
Here are the clues for today's grid:
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
'; }); pollOptions.innerHTML = pollOptionsDom; pollCount.innerHTML = totalVotes + ' votes'; if (totalVotes > 10) { pollCount.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function trackBetsTodayPollImpression() { var intersectionObserverForArticlePoll = new IntersectionObserver( function(entries) { entries.forEach(function(entry) { var pollId ="data-poll-id"); if (POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['impression_tracked']) return; if (! || !entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio < 0.5) return; setTimeout(function() { if (isInViewport( { POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['impression_tracked'] = true; var isDesktop = "1"; var gaPayload = { "question" : POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['question'], "category": "Basketball", "page_url": window.location.href, "option1": POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['option1'], "option2": POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['option2'], } if (isDesktop) { gaPayload["device"] = "Desktop"; } else { gaPayload["device"] = "Mobile"; } gtag("event", "BETS_TODAY_POLL_IMPRESSION", gaPayload); intersectionObserverForArticlePoll.unobserve(; } }, 1000); }); }, { threshold: 0.5 } ); var pollElements = document.querySelectorAll('.bets-today-poll'); pollElements.forEach(function(pollElement) { var isAnswered = pollElement.querySelector(".poll-option-answered"); if (!isAnswered) { intersectionObserverForArticlePoll.observe(pollElement); } }) } return { answerPollX: answerPollX, }; }();- Grid 1 - Player who played for the Miami Heat and New Orleans Pelicans.
- Grid 2 - Player who played for the Orlando Magic and New Orleans Pelicans.
- Grid 3 - Player who played for the New York Knicks and New Orleans Pelicans.
- Grid 4 - Player who played for the Miami Heat and Indiana Pacers.
- Grid 5 - Player who played for the Orlando Magic and Indiana Pacers.
- Grid 6 - Player who played for the New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers.
- Grid 7 - Player who played for the Miami Heat and a team that lost a 3-1 series lead in the playoffs.
- Grid 8 - Player who played for the Orlando Magic and a team that lost a 3-1 series lead in the playoffs.
- Grid 9 - Player who played for the New York Knicks and a team that lost a 3-1 series lead in the playoffs.
The rules for the NBA Crossover Grid game came from the MLB Immaculate Grid. All players have nine chances to get all nine correct answers. Wrong answers will affect a player's overall rankings for the day. The lower the average percentage of all answers, the higher the ranking.
Here's today's grid:
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Today's NBA Crossover Grid answers
A new category for the NBA Crossover Grid was introduced on Day 17: players who were on the postseason roster of a team that blew a 3-1 lead in the playoffs. However, the focus here is on Grid 4 and 6.
Grid 4 is players who suited up for both the Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat. On the other hand, Grid 6 are also former Pacers players who at some point in their NBA careers played for the Miami Heat as well.
For Grid 4, Victor Oladipo might be the most popular pick. Oladipo was an All-Star for the Pacers and most recently played for the Heat. Other answers include Jermaine O'Neal, Danny Granger, Rasual Butler, Erick Dampier, James Posey and Travis Best.
For Grid 6, some players are obvious answers such as Metta World Peace, Antonio Davis, Al Harrington, Tim Hardaway, Mark Jackson and Fred Jones.
James Posey and Rasual Butler also played for the Knicks and can be used as answers as well. Recent players include Chris Copeland and Kyle O'Quinn.
To find more info about the new category, as well as possible answers for Grid 7 and 9, click here.
Here's an example of a completed NBA Crossover Grid for July 15:
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