COD Mobile has multiple medals that players sometimes need to earn to unlock free items in challenges. While some medals are tough to secure, others are fairly easy. Medals can be unlocked in multiplayer and Battle Royale. With the new Undead Siege mode in Season 6 of COD Mobile, players will also unlock various medals for Zombies mode.
The Marathon medal is one of the easiest ones to secure on COD Mobile. All players have to do is run around the map and complete a distance of 2000 meters. However, this medal can only be unlocked in Battle Royale. This medal requires no engagement with the enemy and therefore is easier to complete.
What is the best method to acquire a Marathon medal in COD Mobile?
Secure a marathon medal by dropping on the farthest point of the map. Players do need to loot up weapons and medkits to survive any enemy in their path. It is best to stay far away from the safe zone, as then it would mean a lot of running to get inside the zone.
Players will have to be aware of the blue zone, which will hurt more in the later parts of the game. Players should also try not to use any vehicle and keep their character in always sprint mode to ensure the Marathon medal objective is completed faster in the early minutes of the match. The game will get tougher as most COD Mobile Battle Royale players concur that it is not the safest strategy to keep running around in the open in a small circle.
Players can carry smoke grenades and cluster grenades, which they can drop at the first sign of trouble. For the class: Trickster, Poltergiest, Airborne, and Ninja, might be the best choices.
The objective of the Marathon medal has to be completed in a single shot as the distance covered by the player on foot is never accounted for as progress if it is less than 2000 meters. Get the Marathon medal once to complete the Hiker's Havoc challenge and unlock the operator Scout 2 - Viscous Shoal.
This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
Also Read: How to unlock the Shrapnel perk in COD Mobile
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