Clash of Clans is one of the best online multiplayer games. Players create various army formations and attack enemy positions by making attack strategies. Among all the town halls, Town Hall 12 is the most important town hall, in which players have to use the best attack strategies to win the battles of the clan war and loot the maximum resources from multiplayer battles. Top 3 TH12 Attack Strategy in Clash Of Clans
Town Hall 12 Crucial Town Hall Because it’s the first time it’s got players other defenses, gamers can easily take 3 stars in a multiplayer battle by using strategies with the best offensive army like GoWipe, Dragoon, or Lavaloon You can create your own army creations or use popular army creations developed by esports players and content creators.
Top 3 Town Hall 12 Attack Strategy in Cash Of Clans
1) Zap Dragon Attack Strategy
In this attack, we will use huge amount of dragon which is a common attack strategy.The Zap Dragon Attack Strategy Is an excellent attack strategy used both for farming and trophy pushing. It’s a bit too expensive for farming but still it’s really worth it.
Army composition:
1 Electro Dragon
9 Dragon
2 Ice Golem
1 Lava Hound
2 Goblin
3 Minion
2 Archer
4 Freeze Spells
4 Bat Spells
1 Poison Spell
CC Troops ( 6 Balloons, 1 Baby Dragon + 1 Rage Spell + Stone Slammer)
2) Witch Bat slap Attack strategy
Witch attack is also a good strategy, many players rarely use it, but witch attack is also very powerful, because with has 300 hot points and deals 100 damage. It has the summoned raid ability so that it can raise 6 skeletons at a time, the damage and hitpoints of those skeletons also remain different. The witch raises the skeleton every few seconds, making it more powerful with its skeleton.
Witch Bat slap is also the best attack strategy because with its help we can destroy direct town or any high defence with bat spells, which will make the enemy base weak.
Army composition:
2 Ice Golem
10 Witch
5 Healer
4 Wizard
1 Pekka
3 Balloons
4 Archer
6 Bat Spells
5 Freeze Spells
CC Troops ( 1 Ice Golem, 1 Pekka + 1 Rage Spell + Wall Wrecker )
Also Read PUBG Mobile’s New Soaring Dragon Crate is here thinks about this crate you need to know
3) Pekka smash Attack Strategy
In this attack strategy, Because Pekka has very high attack damage along with high hitpoints, it is advisable to deploy them in pairs on each corner of the opponent’s village or near a bunch of enemy defensive buildings. Pairing them with a Rage Spell can make them deal extreme amounts of damage, allowing them to destroy almost all buildings in one hit; even the Town Hall can be taken down in three hits.
P.E.K.K.A’s high damage and hitpoints allow her to easily knock out opposing heroes, especially when paired with Rage Spells, under which she is able to one-shot Grand Wardens, Archer Queens up to level 76.
Army composition:
4 Pekka
5 Healer
5 Bowler
4 Bally
3 Wizard
5 Wall Breaker
2 Archer
3 Rage Spells
1 Jump Spells
1 Poison Spell
CC Troops ( 8 Balloons + 1 Haste Spell, 3 Freeze spell + Stone Slammer )
Finally, These 3 army strategy in Clash of Clans that can be used in both multiplayer and clan warfare. Players can switch another spell to take down High damage defensces.
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