In the early hours of November 1, 2022, rapper Takeoff was fatally shot at a private party at Billiards & Bowling in Houston, Texas. Fellow bandmate Quavo, whose sister is Takeoff's mother, was also present at the venue. It was reported that the 28-year-old rapper was attacked while playing a game of dice.
Troy Finner, the police chief, held a press conference recently confirming the rapper's passing. He revealed that police arrived at the crime scene after receiving a call about the shooting at approximately 2.34 am. He also shared that the police department had gotten in touch with the rapper's mother.
Finner added:
“Let me speak to the human element first, before we do anything… I want everyone to understand the pain, suffering of a mother. Very tough.”In the press meeting, the police chief added:
“I want to ask that we all pray for his mother, his family, and all of his friends who are in deep pain and shock right now.”During the shooting, two other individuals, a 23-year-old male, and a 24-year-old female, also sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
Chief Finner urged locals to take action and "step up." He added:
“Get the information to us so we can bring some closure to this family who is hurting right now.”Mayor Sylvester Turner also addressed the death. While sharing his condolences, he said:
“I do want to extent my condolences to the mom of Takeoff, to all the family members of Takeoff, to the family and friends. It doesn’t matter how famous you are, you may not be famous at all, anybody who loses his or her life is a life lost. There are family members and friends who are grieving as a result.”Takeoff's mother was reportedly a hairstylist
The rapper, whose real name is Kirshnik Khari Ball, was born in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Takeoff was single-handedly raised by his mother, Quavo's sister. This was because the late rapper's father left their family when Ball was still in kindergarten.
Although Ball's mother's name remains unknown, she reportedly earned a living as a hairstylist. The mother-son duo reportedly shared a close bond. In the past, Ball had revealed that his mother helped him style his signature dreads.
For those unaware, Takeoff was Quavo's nephew, and Offset was his cousin. NBC New York revealed that the trio was brought up by Quavo's mother, Edna Marshall, in the northern suburbs of Atlanta.
In an interview with Fader, Takeoff shared that he sees Quavo as a brother rather than an uncle. However, as the latter is technically his uncle, he had to "clown on him" and "be funny."
The Migos members called Edna Marshall "mama." However, Offset stated in an interview that she also had to take on the role of a "father figure." He added that she:
“Knew how to raise you as a man.”Speaking about his mother and her parenting, Quavo said in the past:
“She had a house full of n****s playing games, shoes off, eating all the food, and it’s hard times- but she never complained.”In 2017, Quavo and Takeoff went on to buy Marshall a house as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, Marshall passed away in March 2019 at the age of 82.
Takeoff and Quavo released their debut duo album, Only Built For Infinity Links, earlier this month.
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