Who is the female fighter signed as Power Slap League assistant coach?

Sheena Bathory has officially signed on as an assistant coach in the highly controversial Power Slap League after her short stint as a contender was forced to end due to a lack of female participants. The 30-year-old recently made headlines after a clip of her slapping an opponent into a forward roll on the first

Sheena Bathory has officially signed on as an assistant coach in the highly controversial Power Slap League after her short stint as a contender was forced to end due to a lack of female participants. The 30-year-old recently made headlines after a clip of her slapping an opponent into a forward roll on the first episode of the Power Slap League went viral on social media.

The Hungarian native hails from a family of accomplished judo fighters and has earned herself a black belt since she began training at the age of five. Bathory has also won several judo championships, with the 'Hungarian Hurricane' most recently competing in the extreme sports competition show 'Exatlon'.

UFC president Dana White recently launched his new combat sports venture, the Power Slap League, which made its television debut on January 18. The highly controversial sport involves two competitors slapping each other until one of them gets knocked out or concedes.

Like The Ultimate Fighter (TUF), the Power Slap League will involve contestants divided into teams to live in a house together for the duration of time. They will be coached by 'Darius the Destroyer' and 'Wolverine', with the latter being joined by Sheena Bathory as an assistant.

Conor McGregor reacts to Sheena Bathory slapping Kortney Olson into a somersault

Conor McGregor seems to be enjoying Dana White's latest combat sports venture, the Power Slap League, and the Irishman recently joked about Sheena Bathory knocking out Kortney Olson in the debut episode of the show.

Olson was facing Bathory when she received a first-round shot so powerful that she immediately fell to the ground unconscious. When she attempted to stand up, she tumbled over and did a forward roll. Bathory won the round due to her opponent's inability to continue.

However, 'The Notorious' found humor in the forward roll and retweeted a clip that compared Olson's somersault to former Irish striker Robbie Keane's famous post-goal celebration. The former two-division champion retweeted the clip with a now-deleted quote-tweet of his own, writing:

"Stabilize the hips. Turn the shoulder. Torque the torso. KO! Where’s my belts and my cash. Yup the Keano fella hahahaja! Classic."

Conor McGregor further broke down the knockout slap from Sheena Bathory and the fundamentals of a knockout-blow. He wrote:

"If anything, power slap is showing the importance of turning back your shoulder and torquing your torso into the shot. “Turning of the hip” potentially the wrong terminology being used. Hips less important? Possible also. Turn your shoulder back and torque fully into strike! K.O."
Screenshot from @TheNotoriousMMA on Twitter

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