Dr. Dres daughter got into USC six years after he donated $70 million to USC

Dr. Dre posted this Instagram over the weekend, but he deleted it about a day later. The photo is of Dre and his 18-year-old daughter Truly Young (Dres real name is Andre Young) with her college admissions sheet for USC. Dre posted the Instagram with the message My daughter got accepted into USC all on

dre insta

Dr. Dre posted this Instagram over the weekend, but he deleted it about a day later. The photo is of Dre and his 18-year-old daughter Truly Young (Dre’s real name is Andre Young) with her college admissions sheet for USC. Dre posted the Instagram with the message “My daughter got accepted into USC all on her own. No jail time!!!” A funny joke about how so many well-to-do-parents were caught up in a scheme to pay thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of dollars to get their kids into college. And it’s true, Dre didn’t bribe anyone or commit fraud or anything like that. But this is what he did do:

Record producer Dr. Dre and his long time business partner, Jimmy Iovine, are in search of the next Steve Jobs. That why these music industry heavyweights, also founders of the hugely popular Beats Headphone brand, have donated $70 million to the University of Southern California to create a degree that blends business, marketing, product development, design and liberal arts, reports the New York Times.

Dr. Dre and Iovine, whose Beats Headphones technology rakes in $1 billion annually, liken their gift to an investment in the next young technology and business innovators.

“I feel like this is the biggest, most exciting and probably the most important thing that I’ve done in my career, Dr. Dre said in an interview with the Times. Details of the four-year program, named the “U.S.C. Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation,” are still being hammered out. In fall 2014, the first class will consist of 25 students, selected for their academic achievement and their ability for “original thought,” the university said. The curriculum will include a project called “the Garage,” in which seniors will be required to create a business prototype.

[From Black Enterprise]

That $70 million donation was made in 2013, so it was not a direct and obvious quid pro quo to get his daughter into college. Dre clearly believes in giving back, and I think the $70 million donation was given in good faith, or as one of many larger plays for Dre’s legacy. But yeah, of course his daughter got admission to the same college where he donated $70 million. I mean, of course. It’s just “legal bribery” within the college admissions world. Anyway, Truly probably won’t even benefit scholastically from her dad’s donation – she’s entering USC’s film program.

Photos courtesy of Dr. Dre’s Instagram.

